Pest Control Inc.


LR Lawn & Ornamental Pest Control Inc. is a family owned business. We have been providing professional lawn care and pest control services for over 10 years in Central Florida. We offer affordable pest control services for your home and office space. In addition, we also offer a variety of services for your lawn and shrubs needs. Our goal is to protect the health of your lawn and plants against disease and insect damage. Our fertilization program includes granular and liquid fertilizer, post and pre-emergent weed control and disease control to keep your lawn and shrubs looking beautiful. Every month or every other month depending on the service plan, we provide full service to your property. We use the safest products and methods to remove pests from your home and lawn while keeping your family safe.
Our Lawn Care Services Include:
Inspection - We are looking at the color of your turf and shrubs, any weeds in the turf, insect damage in turf and shrubs, and look for signs of diseases.
Treatment - We do the fertilization of the entire lawn, and weed and insect control.
Free Estimate - We provide a no charges inspection of the property with a previous appointment.
Insect Control
Chinch Bugs, Moles, Crickets, Grubs, Sod Webworms, Fire Ants & more
Weed Control
Broadleaf, Grassy Weeds, Dollarweeds, Crabgrass, Nutsedge, etc.
Granular and Liquid Products, Including Winterizers

Lawn Fertilization &
Insect Control
serviceS available

We served the following counties in Central Florida:
Osceola County, Orange County, Seminole County, Volusia County